In The Caddy

In the caddy frame of mind.

Current Blog

Bloggin Topics

I want to work on so many things but get trapped every day in the job search and research cycle. I get this feeling that I am missing something so I need to keep searching. I don't know if being first to apply to a job is good or bad but I get excited when I see that the job was posted just a few hours ago.

This is not good for me because it has paralyzed my productivity. I have to get this under control. Just like when I was working in an office everyday I have to follow my schedule. I used to turn off the email app and only open it and work my emails a couple of times a day. I didn't want that ding to distract me.

I guess this is my topic for the day. Set a schedule even when working from home or unemployed and follow it. It helps keep you on task and from being distracted by the dings or shiny objects that try to derail you as much as possible.

Blog Ideas

Always on the look out for something good to get into. If you have suggestions or ideas that you want to share please reach out and let me know. Email Me